Monday, July 20, 2009

Back on Track....for now.

After a bad start yesterday, I managed to redeem myself with a healthy grilled chicken sandwich and green beans for dinner, and for dessert, 30 minutes of high intensity cardio while watching Buffy, Season 2. I made my own marinade for the chicken breast - 2 TBSP of olive oil, TBSP Black pepper, TBSP of smoked paprika and 1/2 cup of white vinegar. It was a 10 oz breast, which I split with my husband. I served it on a whole wheat bun, topped with Dijon mustard and spicy BBQ sauce(about 1 TSP each). I steamed the green beans, but couldn't decide how to dress them. I accidentally squirted them with some Dijon - which couldn't have been more perfect! I ate them like french fries, dipping them in the Dijon. It sounds like something I would have done while pregnant, but it was really tasty :)

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